Welcome back! If you haven't already read Day 1- My Intro to the Midwest Craft Con, make sure you start there, it covers some basics that I won't go back over here. So, without further ado, let's get into Day 2!
Day 2
I started my day with an amazing breakfast at Way Down Yonder Café- it was right next to the hotel and they made BEIGNETS. And delicious GRITS. My Southern heart was happy, and my tummy was full. While there, I saw that one of the speakers from the event was also enjoying the sweet treats and we both ended up walking to the museum together. SO much less stressful than the parking issues the day before!

Once in the museum, we started our day with announcements and raffle winners before the classes began. I decided to check out Content Pillars for Makers with Lucy Kelly of Bel Monili, and I am very glad I did! In my mind, I thought the lecture would explain different types of content makers should be putting out, and how to maximize each platform. Instead, Lucy focused on how to determine the pillars of what makes your brand authentic, and what the goals of what your content should be. This class is probably tied for my favorite class of the weekend, because I felt so inspired!
After the first class block, a catered lunch from Freedom a la carte was provided for us and was absolutely scrumptious! Lunch rolled into the keynote speech, which was honestly what got me interested in the MCC to begin with. Toni Lipsey of TL Yarncrafts, announced months ago that she would be the keynote speaker, and how excited she was to take part in the MCC. Since I'm a huge fan of hers, I did a little digging into the craft con and decided it would be a great trip for me this year. And, as a surprise to no one, her keynote was superb. She was warm, knowledgeable, and engaging as she talked to us about our small biz maker community. She gave practical advice with examples, and made sure we felt empowered and valuable. It makes me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it!

After that lovely talk, I got a headshot taken (who even am I??) and then scrambled to make the last class session. This class was also from Lucy Kelly and was called "Time Management for Makers". Lucy gave us some solid ways of prioritizing our time as makers, and making sure we accurately evaluate our workdays. Once her class ended, I walked back to the hotel in the now COLD and WINDY weather, curled up and ate some leftover pizza. I did venture back out at the end of the day for some karaoke with the craft con group, but still tucked in early to be ready for my last day in Columbus!

Make sure you stay tuned for Day 3!